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National Taxpayer Advocate Forum on Future State Highlights Challenges IRS Faces in Building A Modern Tax System (Procedurally Taxing)

Leslie Book, professor of law at Villanova University, was one of the panelists at the first National Taxpayer Advocate Public Forum, held Feb. 23 in Washington, DC. Professor Book also writes for the blog Procedurally Taxing, and this week he wrote a post discussing his own testimony, the other presentations, and the importance of the forums generally.


It is not easy to administer a tax system. When you add into the mix a society as diverse as ours, and a tax system that really is not just one system but many differing systems, the IRS has its hands full. The forums are an important way for differing constituents to present their voices and hopefully allow the IRS to design future service plans with taxpayer needs in mind.

Read the full article on Procedurally Taxing.