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TAS 幫助納稅人停止國稅局對社會安全福利徵稅
每年,納稅人倡導服務 (TAS) 都會幫助成千上萬的人解決稅務問題。這個故事只是 TAS 如何幫助納稅人解決稅務問題的眾多例子之一。所有個人詳細資料都將被刪除,以保護納稅人的隱私。
每年,納稅人倡導服務 (TAS) 都會幫助成千上萬的人解決稅務問題。這個故事只是 TAS 如何幫助納稅人解決稅務問題的眾多例子之一。所有個人詳細資料都將被刪除,以保護納稅人的隱私。
A widow came to TAS for help because the IRS was trying to embargo against her social security payments and that would cause her a financial hardship. The amount owed to the IRS was due to payroll taxes from her deceased husband’s business which had closed. The taxpayer stated that she sold her home and paid what she could, but was now living on social security. She stated she could not have her social security levied, as that was all she had to live on. The case advocate reviewed the taxpayer’s account and discovered that her husband’s business was incorporated and that she was not responsible for the payroll taxes.
The case advocate contacted the IRS Collection division and described the taxpayer’s problem. The taxpayer thought that because the gravamen notices came to her home, she was responsible. Her husband’s accountant advised her to pay all payroll tax balances owed by the corporation. She did so until she did not have any more assets to sell or money left to pay. TAS worked with the IRS to place the corporate accounts in Currently Not Collectible status and released the embargo against her social security benefits. The case advocate assured the taxpayer she was not connected with the corporation’s tax issues. TAS also educated the widow by providing information on how to handle a dissolved corporation.
如果您需要有關特定稅務主題的信息,請訪問 TAS 以獲取幫助資源。它提供了逐步指南,介紹您可以採取哪些措施自行解決一些 IRS 問題、您的納稅人權利是什麼以及可幫助您解決問題的其他選項。大多數問題可以透過與國稅局合作直接解決。但是,如果您已嘗試但仍無法解決 IRS 問題,請詳細了解 TAS 是否可以幫助您: TAS 資格.
在與納稅人代言服務合作時,每個個人或企業納稅人都會被指派一位代言人來傾聽問題並幫助納稅人了解需要採取哪些措施來解決其稅務問題。 TAS 倡導者將盡一切努力幫助納稅人,並在每一步中與他們合作。有時,我們會報導納稅人和倡導者共同努力解決複雜稅務問題的故事。閱讀更多 TAS 成功案例.